“Sustainable Fashion” is a project to be developed through the 2nd term by the Bilingual Section. Thursday, 29th February 2024, being a probable date for its presentation.
The goals we would like to meet with it are to show fashion as a way of social integration as well as a way to make a difference; realize the economic benefits that the fashion industry conveys together with the consequences of a non-sustainable industrial action and those consequences from abuse on the part of individuals.
This Project will try to raise consciousness about the importance to accomplish SDGs of Agenda 2030, in particular:
Project Sections and topics to research and develop
1.Watching a documentary about clothes waste, before carrying out the project for a first approach to environmental issues regarding the use and abuse of the clothes we wear.
2.Researching on the following topics:
a) Knowledge and analysis of the materials used to make clothes.
b) Sustainable uses of clothes / fashion: “reuse, reduce and recycle”.
c) Location of clothing factories. Benefits and problems regarding consumers; labour conditions in the countries where clothes are manufactured.
d) Landfills of clothing residues: their location, reasons for such location, problems with this type of landfills.
e) Influence of fashion on teenagers: “Why / why not are teenagers influenced by fashion?”
3.Carrying out “a flea market” of clothes and accessories. Clothes and accessories will be given by students and teachers and sold at school, as a way to become aware of the need for reusing them. The money raised will be destined to destined to the school Project “Malawi”, through which we cooperate with a charity in that country.
4.Doing a fashion show with extravagant clothes and accessories of the students themselves.
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